Friday, August 28, 2009

Writing Hubs in Groups

SEO & HubPages Writing

Well we're here for another post and the HubPages continue to march forward slowly. I haven't done as much work on my hubs as I wanted, but a major part of the reason for that is I've finally spent the last month taking the advice that every major Internet Marketer I respect online has said over and over: August is the first month where I put aside some ambitious writing goals and decided to spend most of my time collecting links.

The end result? It's only been a few weeks, and the answer is very good. My eHow earnings are going to be their highest level, and I hit my first $100 month with AdSense, the far majority of which comes from HubPages. And the majority of income increases came the past two weeks. I'm sure I haven't even seen any effect from the last few days of gathering links and writing articles.

Obviously if you're writing for HubPages and you want to find some success, you need to know about SEO, keyword research, and gathering backlinks. What encourages me most is the sheer amount of HubPages hubs, as well as eHow articles, that are on the bottom of page one of Google or the top of page two. Another month or two of gathering links and most of these could be on the top of page one of Google - which easily could double my monthly income.

SEO is huge when writing for HubPages, and the other thing I've noticed is writing hubs in groups. In other words, don't write one hub on "Rainbow Trout Fishing." Write one on "Rainbow Trout Fishing," "Rainbow Trout Fishing Gear," "Rainbow Trout Fishing Tips," "Fly Fishing for Trout," etc. Then you link all of these hubs together.

This is an EXTREMELY powerful strategy! I couldn't believe how much of a difference this made in the strength of hubs ranking high in the Google search rankings. I'll go into more detail on this in the next blog post because there is plenty that I can talk about under this topic, and it is worthy of it's own blog post. Ironically, I have to thank my obsessive compulsive disorder and another hubber who drove me nuts because her hubs were beating the pants off of mine with 0-1 backlinks versus my 8-10 very good key word anchored text links.

So this gets another post. But for now, I strongly encourage everyone to build links to their hubs. Write one hub a day, and build some links. If you're new to the link building, try it this way: 5 Ezinearticles, with two links each in the author's box, all pointing back to your hubs. You'll be amazed at the results.

So that's it for now. Thanks for reading, and keep it up with those hubs!

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