Wednesday, August 5, 2009

HubPages Blog Update

HubPages Blog Update

Well some time has passed since the last blog post, and for that I do apologize. A family emergency came up in early July, and there was no question that had to take precedence over everything else going on in my life, so a lot of things fell to the wayside recently. In fact, pretty much everything I did online fell to the wayside for a while. I'm just now trying to get back into the groove of things, since this is a long term family emergency/tragedy, which makes normalcy seem wrong even as it is one of the most important things in life to hold onto right now.

So that's the reason for the long delay. The other was some thought on what I wanted to do with this HubPages blog. Do I only want to use it to promote my own work, or do I want it to act like a tutorial for new users? Somewhere in between? I'm trying to imagine what that balance is, and what I want the end results to be because to be honest, I didn't think about it much early and I'm not completely satisfied with how it has looked so far.

But in the midst of all of this, some good things have happened. Courtney Tuttle helped to create the great HubChallenge in May through June, and while my efforts fell well short of my even modest goal of 30 hubs in one month, I did make about 30 in two months, and the jump in AdSense income has been obvious. In fact, I'm just short of making the steady $100 a month required for monthly payments. This is very exciting, and my tracking shows that virtually all of the upsurge in income is because of HubPages. In fact, many of my non-HubPages related AdSense income has declined, making the overall increase in AdSense income even more impressive.

So what's this mean? The natural authority of HubPages is a fantastic boost, especially for people just getting started at writing online, or new to the Internet Marketing game, and can get you some pretty decent passive income relatively quickly as you learn the ropes. Also, because of the natural authority site strength that HubPages has in the eyes of Google, many times if you're not getting the results or traffic you want, it takes less than 10 articles and backlinks from Ezinearticles to really get a boost. I've had some keywords only require one or two to go from 40th or 50th in Google up to first page. This is a definite pick you up early on when you need it most.

Some of the hubs that have been doing well for me have been very pleasant surprises, while others whose keywords I really researched and aimed for are just beginning to reach the places I want to see. This month my goal is for a very modest 30, most of which are involved with an experiment I'm running involving HubPages and another site I've been writing for online. You see, I didn't do really any work at all in July, but I noticed my online passive income shoot up about 68%. So I looked over June to see if there was anything noticeable that I had done different, and yes, there was. I'm not going to share it until I confirm the strategy's effectiveness through testing, but even early signs are looking good.

Anyway, a few new hubs that I have written since the last update that are having at least some basic success include:

Snake Proof Boots Guide - A topic that hits home for me based on my natural fear (if not outright phobia) of snakes.

Bathroom Signs - I'm a little disappointed in this one so far. While I enjoyed writing it, and especially enjoyed looking for pictures of funny bathroom signs online, every bit of keyword research I did suggested this would be an incredibly easy term to rank high first page for. So far, nada. I'm probably going to write 5 Ezinearticles and if that doesn't do it, then so be it, it's just time to move on.

Cambridge Diet Review - This one might take a little bit of time, but I'm curious to see how it does. Hoping this one could be a "slow but steady" type.

The Egg Diet Review - Can you tell I'm trying to drop some weight myself? :)

That's it. That's pretty much all the work I managed in 30+ days, so you can imagine how much of a struggle and mess the family and personal life has been. But we all have to keep going, and so August is a month where I'm setting up modest but firm expectations to get myself doing what I need to be doing and moving back to a daily routine for my own good.

Anyway, that's the update for now. My next post I'm going to try to make about some very specific tips I've found over a year of hubbing to try and get you up and going more quickly and on your way to making a decent passive income online. If you haven't joined HubPages yet, I strongly reccomend you JOIN HERE and I will talk to you all later.

Peace, prosperity, and good times to you all.

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