Monday, September 7, 2009

HubPages Writing Update for September

September Update for HubPages Writing

I've actually done pretty well with my HubPages writing since the last update. There are several I'm not going to link to because they're part of a group of keywords with huge potential and I just want to minimize my competition for them. That said, this doesn't mean that I'm unhappy with these other pages. In fact, now I virtually never write a Hub without doing keyword research first. Say what you want, but as far as earnings go, doing the keyword research is huge and on average the new hubs earn a lot more than the old ones - and my old ones get more traffic and have the strength of age in the search engine rankings that the new ones don't.

That's one thing about being a freelance writing. Whether you like it or not, you have to learn SEO. Especially if you're writing online. This is the new market, and it's not going anywhere.

So onto the update for HubPages: my goal for this month is 30 hubs, which is really reasonable on its own and possibly ridiculously ambitious when I look at my monthly goals. Still, at some point I really need to break out of this rut and go above and beyond, so it's time to hit it.

As for my newest hubs:

Kombucha Tea

Ergonomic Mesh Office Chairs

Basic Outdoors Guide

That's a pretty good trio, and while one was created for linking more than anything, and another is in what turns out to be a really competitive field, all in all I think these hubs will do well enough once they've gotten some backlinks and some time to age.

So the writing continues. One a day is a good pace, especially if you do keyword research and article marketing to promote your hubs. Keep up the good work, and keep moving towards your dreams!

Friday, August 28, 2009

Writing Hubs in Groups

SEO & HubPages Writing

Well we're here for another post and the HubPages continue to march forward slowly. I haven't done as much work on my hubs as I wanted, but a major part of the reason for that is I've finally spent the last month taking the advice that every major Internet Marketer I respect online has said over and over: August is the first month where I put aside some ambitious writing goals and decided to spend most of my time collecting links.

The end result? It's only been a few weeks, and the answer is very good. My eHow earnings are going to be their highest level, and I hit my first $100 month with AdSense, the far majority of which comes from HubPages. And the majority of income increases came the past two weeks. I'm sure I haven't even seen any effect from the last few days of gathering links and writing articles.

Obviously if you're writing for HubPages and you want to find some success, you need to know about SEO, keyword research, and gathering backlinks. What encourages me most is the sheer amount of HubPages hubs, as well as eHow articles, that are on the bottom of page one of Google or the top of page two. Another month or two of gathering links and most of these could be on the top of page one of Google - which easily could double my monthly income.

SEO is huge when writing for HubPages, and the other thing I've noticed is writing hubs in groups. In other words, don't write one hub on "Rainbow Trout Fishing." Write one on "Rainbow Trout Fishing," "Rainbow Trout Fishing Gear," "Rainbow Trout Fishing Tips," "Fly Fishing for Trout," etc. Then you link all of these hubs together.

This is an EXTREMELY powerful strategy! I couldn't believe how much of a difference this made in the strength of hubs ranking high in the Google search rankings. I'll go into more detail on this in the next blog post because there is plenty that I can talk about under this topic, and it is worthy of it's own blog post. Ironically, I have to thank my obsessive compulsive disorder and another hubber who drove me nuts because her hubs were beating the pants off of mine with 0-1 backlinks versus my 8-10 very good key word anchored text links.

So this gets another post. But for now, I strongly encourage everyone to build links to their hubs. Write one hub a day, and build some links. If you're new to the link building, try it this way: 5 Ezinearticles, with two links each in the author's box, all pointing back to your hubs. You'll be amazed at the results.

So that's it for now. Thanks for reading, and keep it up with those hubs!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Carp Fishing Hub for Summer

Carp Fishing Hub for Summer Time!

Well summer is drawing to a close, but that doesn't mean that it's too late for me to write a good summer hub about carp fishing. I thought that this would be a really cool kind of off the cuff topic that deserved a good hub. A little bit of research seemed to tell me that I was really on to something there.

While it definitely isn't for everyone, writing about fishing was very relaxing to me after having a lot of time spent on hubs or other writing projects that were on profitable topics, but really weren't subjects I was passionate about. Fishing, on the other hand, just ain't bad no matter how you cut it. I also had a good laugh about the irony. Here I spent a little bit of time to publish a HubPages hub on carp fishing gear, and then I go up to my Grandma's for the weekend and there's a giant slab of deliciously smoked carp sitting out to munch on. Sometimes it all comes together.

This is also a topic on freelance writing that I did want to hit on real quickly before having a longer and more serious blog post on writing for HubPages in the future. Sometimes, even when you're pushing hard on the freelancing and the money making topics, sometimes you just need to go fishing. This could mean going fishing, it could mean writing about a relaxing topic (like carp fishing or carp fishing gear) that you simply enjoy.

"Going fishing" to me means taking a break to recharge a little. Learning how to do this while building a freelance writing career is critical to succeeding in the writing world. So now that I've enjoyed my version of carp fishing online, time to go back to work.


Wednesday, August 5, 2009

HubPages Blog Update

HubPages Blog Update

Well some time has passed since the last blog post, and for that I do apologize. A family emergency came up in early July, and there was no question that had to take precedence over everything else going on in my life, so a lot of things fell to the wayside recently. In fact, pretty much everything I did online fell to the wayside for a while. I'm just now trying to get back into the groove of things, since this is a long term family emergency/tragedy, which makes normalcy seem wrong even as it is one of the most important things in life to hold onto right now.

So that's the reason for the long delay. The other was some thought on what I wanted to do with this HubPages blog. Do I only want to use it to promote my own work, or do I want it to act like a tutorial for new users? Somewhere in between? I'm trying to imagine what that balance is, and what I want the end results to be because to be honest, I didn't think about it much early and I'm not completely satisfied with how it has looked so far.

But in the midst of all of this, some good things have happened. Courtney Tuttle helped to create the great HubChallenge in May through June, and while my efforts fell well short of my even modest goal of 30 hubs in one month, I did make about 30 in two months, and the jump in AdSense income has been obvious. In fact, I'm just short of making the steady $100 a month required for monthly payments. This is very exciting, and my tracking shows that virtually all of the upsurge in income is because of HubPages. In fact, many of my non-HubPages related AdSense income has declined, making the overall increase in AdSense income even more impressive.

So what's this mean? The natural authority of HubPages is a fantastic boost, especially for people just getting started at writing online, or new to the Internet Marketing game, and can get you some pretty decent passive income relatively quickly as you learn the ropes. Also, because of the natural authority site strength that HubPages has in the eyes of Google, many times if you're not getting the results or traffic you want, it takes less than 10 articles and backlinks from Ezinearticles to really get a boost. I've had some keywords only require one or two to go from 40th or 50th in Google up to first page. This is a definite pick you up early on when you need it most.

Some of the hubs that have been doing well for me have been very pleasant surprises, while others whose keywords I really researched and aimed for are just beginning to reach the places I want to see. This month my goal is for a very modest 30, most of which are involved with an experiment I'm running involving HubPages and another site I've been writing for online. You see, I didn't do really any work at all in July, but I noticed my online passive income shoot up about 68%. So I looked over June to see if there was anything noticeable that I had done different, and yes, there was. I'm not going to share it until I confirm the strategy's effectiveness through testing, but even early signs are looking good.

Anyway, a few new hubs that I have written since the last update that are having at least some basic success include:

Snake Proof Boots Guide - A topic that hits home for me based on my natural fear (if not outright phobia) of snakes.

Bathroom Signs - I'm a little disappointed in this one so far. While I enjoyed writing it, and especially enjoyed looking for pictures of funny bathroom signs online, every bit of keyword research I did suggested this would be an incredibly easy term to rank high first page for. So far, nada. I'm probably going to write 5 Ezinearticles and if that doesn't do it, then so be it, it's just time to move on.

Cambridge Diet Review - This one might take a little bit of time, but I'm curious to see how it does. Hoping this one could be a "slow but steady" type.

The Egg Diet Review - Can you tell I'm trying to drop some weight myself? :)

That's it. That's pretty much all the work I managed in 30+ days, so you can imagine how much of a struggle and mess the family and personal life has been. But we all have to keep going, and so August is a month where I'm setting up modest but firm expectations to get myself doing what I need to be doing and moving back to a daily routine for my own good.

Anyway, that's the update for now. My next post I'm going to try to make about some very specific tips I've found over a year of hubbing to try and get you up and going more quickly and on your way to making a decent passive income online. If you haven't joined HubPages yet, I strongly reccomend you JOIN HERE and I will talk to you all later.

Peace, prosperity, and good times to you all.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

July HubPages Writing Update

Freelance Writing on HubPages

And here we are for the first post of July! There have been some good things happening recently. HubPages is becoming more and more popular, which is good for all of us writers who are using their page rank power to get good AdSense income, as well as affiliate sales. Ranking high in the search engines quickly is one of the huge advantages of writing for HubPages as opposed to someone else.

Well I have four new hubs, but I'm only sharing three. Part of the reason for this is that I think I found keyword gold with one, and I want to test this out and see what the results are (as well as solidify my rankings) before I even consider opening up the competition on that particular keyword. But that still leaves three good hubs that I have written and am in the process of gathering initial links for. So without further ado, here are the three:

Outdoor Plaques

House Name Plaques

The Ultimate Tea Diet

Obviously I'm testing out a lot of plaque keywords. This actually came about because I had a friend who worked sales for a company that did garden plaques, trophies, custom engravings, etc. It turns out that while somewhat competitive, many of these keywords are (in theory) achievable, especially when starting with the extra strength of a HubPage.

On the other hand, the Ultimate Tea Diet hub is also shooting for a possible niche that could be open, while also providing a link to an eHow article of mine, promoting two different pages that could make me income. I'm hoping to do this with many Hubs in the future. Instead of coming up with new ideas for Hubs, why not look at my 100+ eHow articles for topics, hit the niche, and then also give a link back to my eHow articles?

The combination of both to push my work up the SERPs and make money off of both I think is a great way to make passive income online and build a really solid network of articles and sites that are working for me. Anyway, that's the update for now. Keep writing, and if you haven't started out on HubPages yet, SIGN UP HERE and get started. The sooner you start (even if it is sporadic, as my early efforts were) the sooner you get to your goals.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Freelance Writing on HubPages Update

2 More Hubs on HubPages

Well June has been a quasi-bust, although there's not a lot I can control as far as health problems, family matters, and personal issues, but I've still gotten some writing in despite all of those things and am really looking forward to what the rest of the summer can bring as things really settle out and I can really concentrate on my writing and my work. I'm also going to have a post soon talking about the results Courtney Tuttle posted about his HubPages Challenge and what this information means for the rest of us who are writing online for HubPages, or even thinking about it.

That, however, is going to be a very long post and for right now I just want to bring a short update. I am still writing on HubPages, and am more convinced than ever of its viability as a passive or residual income source. Despite only publishing about 13 hubs the past two months, those and older hubs have made up for $15-20 a month in AdSense earnings that I lost from a blog being de-indexed by Google. Not only did they make this up, but my earnings are still increasing every month, so even without marketing, my writing for HubPages has really picked up the slack.

Going beyond this, my eBay and Amazon affiliate sales are also continuing to rise each and every month, so there's good reason to believe if I can hit my goal of over 200 hubs by the end of summer that with a little marketing I'll be in a position to make some pretty good passive income, and with the recession right now, I can use the extra income to pick up the slack from a really hard/stagnant freelance writing market right now.

Anyway, the two new hubs I've had since my last update are:

Shag Area Rugs

Garden Plaques

These are based on some keyword research, and later they'll also be used to hopefully provide a boost to some other larger websites I'm hoping to roll out. We'll see how they do once the initial burst of traffic wears off.

Anyway, keep on writing and thanks for reading this update!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Freelance Writing: A Few More Hubs

3 More Quality HubPages Hubs

I enjoy freelance writing for HubPages, and in the last two days I've managed to make three new hubs. All thee are fairly high quality hubs, and I'm pretty happy with the quality of my freelance writing for these sites. Some of my more recent Hubs have been getting some decent traffic and some good AdSense clicks already, so even without the time that it takes for websites to get credit for their age and the search engine rankings bonus that comes with it. Because of this, I feel even more confident that if I can get a lot of Hubs written this summer and get some marketing done that in the long term these will provide some really great residual income.

Anyway, two of these hubs are based on keyword research that I think could make great micro niches, while also acting as strong links in the future to an AdSense blog that I hope will eventually do very well for me. The other has an excellent Clickbank product I believe in, and can also give a link to an eHow article that's already doing decently for me. As with any type of online writing that involves passive income, I won't know the true results for weeks or even months, but I'm feeling pretty good about writing for HubPages.

The potential for writing for residual income is very high with this website, and if any of you are reading this and haven't started with HubPages, I recommend you start now.

My new hubs:

Cherry writing desks

Oak writing desks

Learn Spanish Fast

That's it for now. Thanks for reading!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

3 More HubPages Hubs

Freelance Writing Update

Just a brief writing update this time around. There's been a lot going on, so while the pace I've put up isn't near what I'm hoping for, the sheer influx of freelance work that has started coming in, along with some very exciting long term projects, has me still relatively happy about the work I've done and the schedule that lies ahead. Despite the somewhat overwhelming nature of life throughout June, I'm going to remain optimistic.

Three new Hubs for this update. All 3 are valuable as standing on their own, but two also work to give a valuable anchored keyword link to an eHow article, and one gives a link to a writing blog that I can also use to get backlinks to some of my support blogs. By making those support blogs stronger, my flagship blogs and potential moneymakers are going to become that much stronger. Meanwhile by using HubPages I can support blogs, websites, and articles that make me money and are important to me, but they also make money naturally while giving solid links - something that's hard to do otherwise. For now, here are the three new hubs I wrote on HubPages:

Writing for eHow

How to Get Rid of Garden Slugs

Flair Bartending

As always, I never make a hub that I would be embarassed to claim as my writing, so right now I'm feeling pretty dang good about those three, and as long as I keep making quality Hubs, it will be that much easier to gather good backlinks for them and rank higher in the search engines. More traffic means more money, so there's still a lot of upside here.

That's my freelance writing update for now. Thanks for reading!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Freelance Writing: One New Hub

Another Hub for HubPages

I've definitely fallen behind on making new Hubs at HubPages, and will probably almost certainly miss my goal of 30 by the 15th. Between more pressing writing demands, personal issues, and lack of Internet access, it was a hard knock. I just made #10, so I'd have to make 20 in five days (including today) to make the goal. Very unlikely, especially considering the 15th of every month is the due date for a lot of my monthly freelance writing work. Still, overall I've been getting a lot of writing done, especially considering everything going on.

Anyway, I'll be making a push to get several hubs done in the next few days, so at least at the due date maybe it'll look like I made a good shot at it, or maybe I'll get on a tear and just make it. We'll have to wait and see.

But anyway, I did complete hub #10 for the challenge, and here it is:

Contemporary Area Rugs

Which puts me at #53 total - with a goal of 150 by September 1st. It'll definitely be a challenge, but I think that goal is one I will obtain.

Anyway, that's the update on my freelance writing at HubPages for now. Keep writing, and keep at it. Even with just the new 10 Hubs, I have noticed my monthly AdSense income going up steadily, so I know this is working.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Hub Challenge Hub #8 Finished

Hoping This is a Good Micro Niche

Well my eighth hub for the Hub Challenge is finished, and it's another product based hub, which as I've mentioned in other places, sites like Squidoo and HubPages tend to produce the most income from product based sites. I like heavy duty flashlights, and hope that despite the very small amount of monthly traffic, that maybe this will do decently for me each month.

#8 of 30:

I'm a fan of heavy duty flashlights because they're simply better built than regular ones, and I have to admit, the potential self defense aspect definitely appeals to me. So this is my second product based hub in a row, and so I'm hoping that getting a good quality number of product based hubs will help in in all aspects of my make money online quest: AdSense, Amazon sales, & eBay sales.

That's the update for now. Thanks for reading about my new heavy duty flashlights hub!

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Two Hubs in One Day

HubPages Writing Update

On my most recent day of writing on HubPages, I wrote and finished two hubs in one day, a much needed boost to my lagging numbers in the 30 Day Hub Challenge. I went for the tamer 30 Hubs in 30 days instead of the wild 100 Hubs in 3 days mostly because there's a lot going on right now for me: including moving across the country, doing the extra freelance work on to fund it, and trying to really start my own personal AdSense and eHow challenges, so even 30 in 30 seemed like a test, but that's what challenges are for, aren't they?

This time I wrote two hubs, which you can visit here, if you so desire:

How to Brawl in Self Defense

Double Air Mattresses

The hub about brawling was based on a request asked by the HubPages website, and admittedly was one of the most interesting requests I've seen. In researching what Google has ads for, there's not much for brawling, but there is for self defense, so I put a lot of brawling as self defense in that page.

The double air mattress is a product review hub. One thing I have learned from both HubPages and Squidoo: if you're going for affiliate sales and money, product review hubs are definitely the way to go. It's also a numbers game, but 100 review hubs or lenses getting traffic will get a lot of affiliate sales. 100 hubs or lenses on other interesting topics will get some sales, but more readers, and not make as much money. That's just what my testing has shown over and over again.

So those two hubs made #7 and #8 out of 30, with 16 days to go including move or not, I'd better get moving on this challenge!

The other good news I have noticed: I've kept at my goals of online passive income on and off (mostly off, I admit) for a little over a year now, and there's no question that the AdSense and affiliate sales for me are doing better than ever. The affiliate sales are jumping by leaps and bounds, while the AdSense is still going up by at least 33% this month, after five straight months of gains.

So I'm going to keep at it, and if you haven't started your own online writing quest, the best advice I can give is to get started now, because time is a huge factor in getting that online income so the sooner you get moving, the sooner you'll start seeing some results.

Welcome to My Hubpages Writing Blog

Freelancing for HubPages

Welcome to my new freelance writing blog on freelance writing for HubPages. This blog will talk about the results I'm seeing, hubs I'm publishing, and basically follow the HP arm of my journey to make a full time living from residual writing income online. In this blog I'll look at my own hubs, the ones that worked and the ones that haven't, and try to share information that beginning or even intermediate freelance writers will also find helpful in their own writing quests.

So stay tuned for new posts, and thank you for visiting my blog on freelance writing for HubPages!